Are you looking to consolidate your federal student loans into one low monthly payment? Start by completing this quick online application. Your student loans can be past due or current, it doesn’t matter. We can help you either way! One of our IAPDA certified debt professionals will contact you within 24 hours after this form gets submitted, and at that point, we will go over your options.
Student Loan Consolidation Application
Here at Golden Financial Services, our IAPDA certified student loan experts will help you to get approved for the lowest monthly payment and for a student loan relief plan that offers loan forgiveness. The federal government offers approximately eight student loan relief plans as of 2021, but not all of these plans will offer you a low monthly payment and loan forgiveness.
Also, keep in mind, student loan consolidation is not the same as credit card consolidation. Credit card consolidation is not through the federal government. Also, there is no annual recertification or loan forgiveness offered when consolidating credit card debt. These are two completely different debt relief programs.
Example of the Federal Student Loan Payment Plans for 2018
How Does Student Loan Consolidation Work?
With student loan consolidation, all of your student loans can be “paid in full” within the next 60-90 days. Your new consolidated monthly payment could be as low as zero dollars per month! Once you qualify for an income-driven student loan relief plan, every single year these plans need to get recertified, until you are eligible for loan forgiveness. As part of the Golden Financial Services student loan relief program, we take care of all this for you. Simply, submit the quick application above when you are ready and we will contact you within 24 hours after.
Online Student Loan Consolidation Application:
Golden Financial Services makes it QUICK and EASY for YOU to APPLY for federal student loan consolidation. Our goal; is to get your student loan monthly payment as low as possible. We will manage your student loan relief recertifications every year, all the way up until you’re eligible for loan forgiveness. We will communicate with your student loan servicers on your behalf.
This online consolidation application streamlines the student loan relief process. Students can get approved for the lowest possible payment — with EASE! Take your time and carefully submit this application.
Your information WILL NOT be shared with any third-party companies. Golden Financial Services uses a secure server, up to industry standards for data security practices.
Golden Financial Services will contact you once this application has been submitted.
A Specialist will then walk you thru the rest of the student loan consolidation process to ensure you get approved for the right plan.
Student Loan Consolidation Disclosures
–Golden Financial Services is a private company and is NOT AFFILIATED WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION or any other academic or governmental entity.
–You can apply for student loan consolidation, without paid assistance through the Department of Education(DOE). Here are 16 steps on how to consolidate your federal student loans on your own and get loan forgiveness.
–Golden Financial Services assists you with preparing and processing your application for student loan consolidation and repayment programs offered by the DOE.
–No student loan relief program fees are earned until your loans are consolidated and paid in full.
Student loan forgiveness and different repayment plans are available. This short online application will allow you to quickly learn your student loan relief, repayment and consolidation options. Click here to learn more about Golden Financial Services before completing this student loan consolidation online form.
Before submitting the student loan consolidation online application above, make sure to have your Federal Student Aid (FSA) id, reference information and make sure to know your adjusted gross income (AGI). These questions will all be asked inside the student loan consolidation form above.
Late on Student Loan Payments & Afraid of Garnishment?
With federal student loans, your creditors don’t have to take you to court and win a default judgment, before garnishing your wages, like with other types of debt. The federal government plays by its own set of rules! To avoid getting your wages garnished, one option is to request 90-days forbearance and that will give you enough time to deal with the problem. You can then consolidate your federal student loans during this 90-day period and get these past due accounts paid in full. The downside to requesting forbearance is that interest is still accruing, but if you are only requesting forbearance to give you enough time to consolidate and avoid garnishment, it may make sense to go this route.
Apply for student loan consolidation today!
How Will Student Loan Debt Consolidation Affect My Credit Score?
By consolidating your student loans you are getting your past due student loan debts paid in full and you will then be current on your payments on the new consolidated loan. However, if you were late in the past, these late marks will remain and won’t go away just by consolidating.
You could get the late marks removed from your credit report before consolidating though! You do that by contacting your creditors and requesting loan rehabilitation. Loan rehabilitation is basically where your creditors set you up with nine monthly payments, at an affordable payment amount. Once you complete your nine payments then all of your accounts are re-aged and brought back to current status.
Now you can consolidate and all of the late marks will go away, truly helping your credit score! Most people that we speak with here at Golden Financial, choose to just consolidate and aren’t worried about the late marks going away, but we recommend that you do the loan rehabilitation first. You can get it done faster than nine months in most cases, by doing 2-4 payments per month. Your student loan servicer could put your payment at as low as $5 per month since the loan rehabilitation payments are also based on your annual adjusted gross income, making it easy to complete the student loan rehabilitation program prior to consolidating your student loans!
To simplify your life, join the Golden Financial Services student loan relief program today!
Student Loan Relief Program Fees
The Golden Financial Services student loan consolidation program fee is $675. This fee is only earned after all of the work is completed and this fee can be broken up into multiple payments if necessary.
To consolidate your student loans on your own, here are 16 step by step instructions to follow.
Teachers’, Military, Disabled Student Loan Relief Options
If you are in the military, disabled or a teacher, all of the above will qualify for additional relief. For example, teachers can take advantage of the Public Services Loan Forgiveness Program (PSLF), where they can be eligible for loan forgiveness in half the time. For complete details on federal student loan relief options, visit this page next. Or, to consolidate your student loans, start by submitting the application above.