Wisconsin Debt Relief Programs make it easy to pay off credit cards and almost any type of unsecured debt. Consolidation loans can eliminate high-interest rates, and Wisconsin financial hardship plans can reduce your balances. To qualify for a Wisconsin debt reduction plan consumers must have over $10,000 in debt. Not sure about how much debt you have? Call (866) 376-9846 and get a free credit report and score – and get free advice from an IAPDA certified debt counselor! Golden Financial Services is IAPDA Certified and Accredited by Trusted Company Reviews.
Click here to compare the benefits vs. downsides of each debt relief program:
Continue reading below, about each Wisconsin debt relief program…
Wisconsin Credit Card Debt Relief
Credit card debt can get settled for less than the full balance owed with debt settlement. Wisconsin residents can start by talking to an IAPDA Certified debt counselor for free. Debt settlement is the most popular credit card relief option for consumers who are experiencing severe financial hardship, but there are also other programs to consider.
Wisconsin consumer credit counseling for credit card debt is designed to reduce interest rates and combine payments into one. Consumers stay current on their monthly payments with consumer credit counseling. There is no negative effect on a person’s credit score with consumer credit counseling, which is one of the most significant benefits on this plan.
Wisconsin residents with perfect credit and a high credit score can also use a low-interest credit card to consolidate debt, by doing what’s called “a balance transfer.” Essentially, you transfer all of your high-interest credit card balances onto the new low-interest balance transfer card, and as long as you can pay the entire balance off while the rate is at 0%, then you can save a tremendous amount in interest with this method. However, like every debt relief program, even balance transfer cards come with fees. There’s a 3%-5% fee that consumers must pay upfront with a balance transfer card. If you transfer $100,000 in credit card debt onto a balance transfer card that could add up to a $5,000 upfront fee!
It is most important to evaluate each program fully and then compare your savings on each plan side by side. You can then easily choose the best debt relief program! Wisconsin residents have it best, all you need to do is call in at (866) 376-9846 and get your free consultation now! Golden Financial Services is IAPDA certified, BBB A+ rated and Accredited by Trusted Company Reviews.
Wisconsin debt consolidation loans are also available for consumers with a high credit score but beware of loan companies that charge hidden fees and excessive fees. Carefully review the contract and go over the interest rates, fees and if there are any pre-payment penalties if you decide to pay off your loan early. Another excellent way to consolidate your debt is to use a home equity line of credit. Millions of Wisconsin consumers are turning to home equity lines of credit to pay off debt because of the low-interest-rate that comes with this type of credit. The downside of using a home equity line of credit to pay off credit card debt is that if you fail to make your payments on time your home could be at jeopardy of getting foreclosed on.
Credit card debt relief programs in Wisconsin are not your only way to get out of debt. No matter what state you live in, here are the 10 best ways to get out of high credit card debt.
Debt Settlement Companies in Wisconsin
When it comes to debt settlement, companies in Wisconsin should be certified by the International Association of Professional Debt Arbitrators (IAPDA) and Accredited by either the Better Business Bureau (BBB) or Trusted Company Reviews (TCR). This should be the first requirement that you look for when searching for a reputable debt settlement company in Wisconsin. Debt relief companies can’t hide customer complaints at the BBB and TCR, and to be accredited you must live up to a certain level with both these organizations, so make sure only to deal with a debt settlement company that’s accredited!
The second most important factor to look at is whether or not the company charges up-front fees. It is illegal for debt settlement companies in Wisconsin to charge up-front fees. The way it works is like this: Debt settlement companies can only charge a fee after the debt gets reduced and settled in full. Each month your monthly payments are deposited directly into a trust account. The funds accumulate in this trust account each month. Once about 50% of one of your debt’s balances has accumulated in your trust account, at around that point is when a debt gets settled. The debt negotiator will contact your creditor at around that point and offer them half to settle a debt. Once your debt is paid, the debt settlement company will take their fee right from your trust account, it won’t be something extra that you have to pay, it will have been included in your payment that you were paying each month.
If you cancel a debt settlement program before your debt is settled and paid, you will get 100% of your funds refunded back to you from your trust account. You are in total control of the funds in your trust accounts, it’s in your name only!
Wisconsin Student Loan Debt Consolidation Free Help
To consolidate your federal student loans, you can visit here.
You will need to verify your adjusted gross income and family size if you are looking for a low payment on an income-based hardship plan. The lower your income and bigger your family size, the lower your payment will be. After a certain number of qualified payments, you can then qualify for loan forgiveness, where your balance will be forgiven. Give us a call if you have any questions on consolidation and ask for Paul Paquin.
Often consumers will consolidate their loans on their own, but then forget to renew their consolidation each year, and then get kicked out of the plan. This is the most common mistake that we see students make. If you are on the hardship income-based plan, including the “Pay As You Earn” plan, this plan must be renewed annually or you may get kicked out and thrown into a plan with a high payment that you cannot afford.
If you’ve already consolidated, but your income has been reduced, on that same website you can request to get approved for a lower payment (request a new repayment plan), by verifying that your income has changed. Be very careful to select the appropriate plan. You can always switch your plan at any point, but this requires time and can be stressful.
Additionally, you will be able to transfer your tax return from the IRS, directly into the application on that site or you can use your pay stubs to prove your income, whatever is easier for you, or if your income has changed since your last tax return was filed then you would need to show pay stubs to verify income.
You can consolidate delinquent federal student loans, and once consolidated these loans will be paid off in full and this will be reported on your credit. However, this does not erase the negative late marks on your credit. If you are looking to get rid of the late marks on your credit, you would first need to make nine payments on time on what’s called a loan rehabilitation program prior to consolidating, and this will remove the late marks from your credit.
Learn more about our student loan consolidation services. (this page may give you some tips on how to consolidate on your own)
Need assistance with Credit Card Debt and Live in Wisconsin? Consolidation & Debt Settlement options are also available! We recommend you search the BBB website and find a debt settlement company that’s A+ BBB Rated and has zero unresolved client complaints, that is located in Wisconsin.
Or, settle your debt on your own. When you fall behind on credit card payments, after approximately 4-6 months the bank will write off the debt, and sell it to a collection agency for as low as four cents on the dollar, and this allows you to now work directly with the collection agency and negotiate a settlement based on your hardship, where you can reduce the balance to a fraction of what is owed. Read more about settling debt on your own.
Wisconsin Consumer Credit Counseling Downsides
- Takes 4.5 years to become debt free
- Third-party notation gets reported on credit
- Payment stays around the same as when paying minimum payments
- Only credit card debt qualifies
Wisconsin Debt Settlement Program Downsides
- A negative effect on credit over the first six to twelve months (Credit can be rebuilt after graduating on a debt settlement plan)
- Taxes are owed on the amount saved, but an IRS form #984 can be used to eliminate the taxes liability
- Creditors don’t get paid on a monthly basis so this leads to the possibility of a credit card summons and balances get higher before getting resolved due to interest and late fees that get added on
- Not all clients can graduate a debt settlement program for various reasons including their inability to make all of their scheduled monthly payments
The statute of Limitations on Credit Card Debt in Wisconsin
In Wisconsin, the Statute of Limitations on credit card debt is six years. After your last payment on your credit card gets made prior to falling behind on payments, now your creditors have up to six years to take you to court in an effort to collect on the debt. Your delinquent credit cards can continue to be reported on your credit report for up to seven years though.
Golden Financial Services Debt Settlement Corp Address:
600 Palm Ave #221
Imperial Beach CA 91932
Golden Financial Services is a Florida and California based Corporation that operates in 48 states and assists consumers with debt relief, consolidation and settlement services. Golden Financial Services does assist consumers in Wisconsin with debt relief.
The Wisconsin debt settlement program offered through Golden Financial Services may negatively affect your credit score, debt settlement could result in tax consequences, fees are included and credit card lawsuits could occur.
These potential consequences are why Golden Financial Services will introduce you to a debt relief attorney in Wisconsin who is there to provide you with legal protection while enrolled on the program, and who is also A+ rated with the BBB. It is very important to only work with an experienced company like Golden Financial Services, in order to be sure that you end up in better financial shape by the time you finish the program, and not in worse shape. We take every precaution necessary to ensure our clients are successful.
Contact us today for a free quote, if you live in Wisconsin and need debt relief, at 866-376-9846!