financial tips, debt help, debt help tips, tips from debt relief customers

The most fulfilling part of our jobs at Golden Financial Services is hearing from our successful customers after they have completed their journey to becoming debt-free. We offer a large spectrum of services, from debt consolidation to debt relief, and also a number of connections to help you reach out when you need serious help.

Credit card debt can be crippling, it can be devastating, and it can also be eye-opening. These former customers below share the insights they have gained from being where you might be, right now. Take a look at their advice, and their reviews if you are feeling like you are not sure where to start, or what to do.

Hannah – Keep a Positive Attitude

Starting off outside the box, but this one is a quick mental health check for those with severe debt issues. Golden Financial’s entire mission is to get you back on your feet, not just because we’ve been there (See CEO Paul’s journey here), but because we know the feeling of getting rid of debt, and how life-changing it can be. 

Hannah shares her feelings and how she is staying positive through her debt recovery process: “I feel very positive and I feel like this is the best thing for me he’s such a knowledgeable young man and as far as I’m concerned he get 10 Stars not 5 he’s the best well-educated I can hear it in the way he speaks even my son spoke well of him he could hear him speaking so thanks again and have a good day and I will recommend this service for anyone else this is my first time what a good first time to have because sometimes when you dealing with people for the first time you get turned off but this time I can truly say I feel very happy about my dealings with your company because of Robert.”

Jennifer, North Dakota – Climbing the Student Loan Debt Mountain Using Better Business Bureau Reviews

Often times when a student graduates from college, they have learned so much about how to survive in the “real world,” and they have learned a trade that will help them generate income for the coming years. Something that is *not* often taught is how to get out of crippling student loan debt, and how to know who to trust.

Jennifer turned to the Better Business Bureau (BBB) to verify that Golden Financial Services is indeed a legitimate business and that past customers have reported pleasant experiences with us. Here she is sharing her excitement for dumping student loan debt after just three years!

Kathryn, New York – Avoiding Bankruptcy by Working with a Credit Repair Company

Kathryn came to Golden Financial Services in 2015, on the brink of bankruptcy, and without a solid plan in place. She shared her experience on by way of a review: 

“I was ready to file for BK, and within months after getting approved for their debt relief program, I had 4 out of 6 of my credit card debts agreeing to stop collection on the debt and 4 out of 6 decided to remove all of the negative marks from my credit. When I received the first letter in the mail that illustrated this, I almost thought it was a scam, but then I verified that it was real! Within weeks I received the other three letters, where each creditor agreed to release the debt and remove it from my credit. I could not believe how well this worked. They did all the work in the first few months, well at least it seemed that way. Over the last year, they set me up with a Kansas credit repair company who’s been cleaning up the negative marks from the two credit card summons accounts that Debt Settlement America caused. My two remaining debts with the lawsuit had to go through their attorney team and ended up taking about 6-8 months of them fighting for me to get these debts dismissed. Both of my lawsuits were dismissed, I could not believe the results. I just finished paying these guys my last payment, and I could not be happier with how this all worked out. Altogether, I paid only 48% of my total debt (including both credit repair plans, lawyer fees and all), much cheaper than what the Debt Settlement company was trying to charge me. Imagine, I almost did bankruptcy, and now my credit is cleared from every single negative mark.”

For additional support, call Golden Financial Services today at (866)-376-9846 or You can check out our blog here, and do your research on our services here. Let’s talk soon!

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